We’ve all seen it, a friend or stranger invites you to join some network marketing opportunity that is making millions of dollars for everyone They explain to you that all you have to do is talk to a few of your friends and family, called your “warm list”.
Yep you’ve probably been a victim of a network marketing scam. So if this hasn’t happened to you, then this information is extremely important even if this has happened to you! You can benefit from this article.
I don’t want to be misunderstood I’m not saying that all network marketing companies are going to rip you off. The point is that what most of the so-called network marketers are doing they don’t understand and so all they are really interested in is getting you to sign up.
They start off by telling you how beautiful the products are, how great the company is and how effective their system works. They tell you that you can make millions every week just by promoting this opportunity. Next you invest a lot of your hard earned money, and before you know it, you have just wasted hundreds even thousands of dollars in a company that failed to keep their promises.
Actually! I highly recommend network marketing companies, they have become a profession that has created more millionaires than any other profession in history. You may not know this but you have a 60% greater chance of becoming a millionaire in a network marketing business than you do and a regular hourly job.
Before you jump in and join the first network marketing company you see you need to look at some key points that will help you make a wise decision.
Seven important factors to consider:
- How long has the Company been around? As you do research you want to make sure that you are joining a company that’s been in business at least five years. Statistics show that 90% of all startup companies fail in the first five years of business. They also show that 90% of the remaining 10% also fail in the next five years. This is a important point because it also applies to all network marketing companies. So if the company has been around more than 10 years it’s probably your best choice.
- What is the Integrity of the company? What do sources tell you about the company is there a lot of contrary talk? Research people that have worked with the company, what contributions has the company made to society? It’s important that you work with a company that is trustworthy you must have complete confidence in them, otherwise you might find yourself trapped in some kind of pyramid scheme something that is illegal putting yourself in trouble instead of profits.
- How big is the organization, is it growing? You can tell how successful a company is, by its size and growth factor. How many offices do they have? Are they a worldwide organization? How large is their distributor/representative force? These are extremely important points to consider. And a even more relevant point to consider is how fast is the company growing. Expansion is really more important than size. There are companies that started back in the 60s have as many as 7 million distributors/representatives then there are companies that started in the early 2000’s and they have as many as 6 million representatives, when you consider this which one would you want to be involved with? Probably the newest company right because it’s proven that is growing quickly and is progressive. So more money is probably being generated in the newest company rather than the older making it the one you would want to be working with.
- How is their compensation structured? Remember you’re in network marketing to make money. Don’t ever join a network marketing company just because you want the product! So you always want to join the company that pays good. How can you find out how much you will make? Really it’s not too hard there is just three points to consider.
- What’s the most you can earn by selling one product?
- How many people do you need to recruit?
- And how quickly will you recover your initial investment?
- What are the products or services offered? All legal network marketing companies offer services or products, if they don’t then it’s not a real business it’s a pyramid scheme which is illegal. You need to make sure their products are of value and have a high demand in the marketplace. Some of the marketing companies that have shown the best success are involved with:
- Health and wellness products which covers about 80% of all network marketing companies.
- Telecommunication services.
- Vacation based (timeshare opportunities, resort packages).
- Jewelry
- Education (marketing education, self-improvement, financial).
You want to make your investment with a network marketing company that involved in one of these areas in order to have the greatest success.
- What kind of training do they offer? Generally network marketing companies offer some of the best training in any industry although that’s not always the case. For the most part the greater majority of network marketing companies teach you to become a salesperson so you can sell their products. The type of network marketing company you are looking for is one that has a mentorship or coaches that will train you to become an entrepreneur not just a salesman. This will give you the skills you are going to need if you want to be a seven-figure earner!
- What kind of technology is involved? With network marketing you want to be able to expand your business globally. You want to become an international entrepreneur. See you need to look for a company is going to give you an advantage in this arena providing you with the technology you need
So what you think you think you can be one of the network marketing business leaders and join the 3% that are top earners earning a full six-figure income a year within the next 3 to 5 years? Actually I can’t tell you that! But you can increase your chances if you follow the instructions and points I’ve laid out above.
Sad to say more than 80% of the network marketing companies are not congruent with the seven points listed. So it’s going to take a lot of research and effort on your part to come up with the perfect network marketing company for you, but it is possible and hopefully I’ve given you some tools to help you along the way.
If you’re truly interested in becoming a network marketer and earn money with all the coaching you need to get started then click here to start your breakthrough today